The Day of the Funeral

Prior to the funeral day a mutual trust will have been developed between the family and the Funeral Directos so that any question or query raised will be met with an open and honest response.
The funeral day can be a most stressful time for many family members and friends. Be assured that all the practical arrangements we agreed will be in place to enable the smooth running of the funeral. This is our role and duty to the family enabling you to focus on the emotional aspects of the day.
The where and when we meet will have long been determined. The choice would have been yours. This may be at the home of your Loved One, at our Chapel of Rest, Church, Crematorium or Graveside. A request may be made to follow a certain route to the service as per your wishes.
We always have some of our Team members at the venue well in advance of the funeral time to ensure that all is in order and to greet family and friends arriving before the hearse and cortege arrive.
Whenever possible and practicable the coffin will be shouldered by our team of Bearers and any family members who would also like to share this duty.
After the Service you may take the opportunity to greet other mourners and view any floral tributes,
When our duties at the Funeral have been fulfilled the Funeral Director will say his farewells, but not goodbyes. We are always available to take future instructions and to help resolve any queries or questions that you may have.